
Sponsoring the Information Show 2017

W3K is the sponsor of the Information Show 2017 event Transforming Companies with “Intelligent Information” and “Smart Process”. The 8th edition of the largest Brazilian event on document management, information, business processes and digital business takes place in São Paulo on August 10 and 11. The event was consolidated as the largest event in Latin America on the subject. Besides being a reference in the theme, it became important in the annual meeting point of the community of information professionals to update knowledge, exchange experiences and Networking. Since its launch in September 2010, the event has been following and reporting on the accelerated evolution of the Information Industry. In its first editions, the most pressing themes addressed issues related to paper-based business processes and their migration to digital processes, legality of digital documents, management of legacy documentation, temporality, taxonomies and the whole context of ECM – Enterprise Content Management solutions. Digital Transformation With the advancement of technologies, nothing has been more urgent than optimizing and monitoring Business Processes and properly and securely managing all corporate information and documents. Processes and information are the basis for good corporate governance. Today, we live in a moment of rupture of models, the so called “Digital Transformation” that applied in an adequate way, contributes significantly to the growth of companies of any size and of all segments. However, everything needs to be learned very quickly and efficiently. Hence the need for an event like this to learn and be in line with the new times in the era of digitization of digital business. Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, Machine Learning, Smart Process Application, Blockchain, Bot, Digital Workplace among others, are themes that will be presented by renowned experts in the market. More information about the event here: http://informationshow.com.br/2017/