

Webinar EDMS Engineering

Find out how Greendocs can support engineering in document management and process automation. Click here to watch. EDMS – Engineering Document Management is a technology for generating, controlling, storing, sharing and retrieving existing information in documents. W3K has the solution to the challenges of document management for engineering and projects securely for local and cloud servers.


Webinars Greendocs

We are planning the next webinar and would like to know which topic would be most urgent for you, click here and respond. If you have any questions, please contact: Liana: liana@w3k.com.br, or by telephone (51) 3081-5900. We hope to clarify all your doubts online.


W3K Takes Part In Document Management Congress

On 26 and 27 March, the Information Management Institute held in São Paulo, the event on Organization and Management of Documents and its impact of transformation in the business processes of companies. Daniel Klafke, CEO of W3K, participated in the panel with information professionals: Camila Vila Verde, partner co-founder and executive director of the company Doc Expert; Charlley Luz, consultant in information management and digital environments of Feed Consulting; Renate Land, founding partner of Egrégora Intelligence; The event promoted discussions, proposals and successful cases on how to organize the legacy and active documentary collection, and how to efficiently manage paper processes and their migration to the digital world. Read more at: Information Management Institute


Tegram Uses Greendocs in Expansion Project

Editor by  Mauren Schaeffer The Grain Terminal of Maranhão (Tegram), located in the Port of Itaqui, in São Luís (MA), has an expansion project, the Second Grain Transport Line. The Greendocs software, which had already been used in the conception of the terminal’s original construction work, is once again being chosen for the management of technical communication and control of the project information of this second phase. The solution proved to be the most adherent and meets the requirements necessary for the development of the project. Fernando de Arruda Postigo, Tegram’s Project Manager, points out that the main differentials perceived in Greedocs were the flexibility, the intelligent storage capacity of the documents, the possibility of implementing the processes with ease and, finally, the tracking capacity of the documents throughout the process flows. Tegram’s employees, as well as their suppliers, will make use of the platform. There are about 50 users trained in sharing and validating documents and information, adding value to the work of the entire team involved in the project.


eDOC Engineering 2018 Features Greendocs and W3K Cases Presentation

W3K has supported eDOC since the first event in 2013, as it recognizes the contribution of this meeting to market intelligence in the engineering sector. In this edition will occur the beginning of the partnership with CREA-SP, contemplating the strategic networking. The event will take place in São Paulo, on May 22, presenting cases and unpublished lectures on digital transformation and information management for engineering projects. Follow the complete program on the site: www.edocconsultoria.com.br CREA-SP Auditorium – Rua Nestor Pestana, 87 – Bairro Consolação – São Paulo


Comitesinos Chooses Greendocs to Manage Rio dos Sinos Basin Data

Greendocs was chosen by the Rio dos Sinos Basin Management Committee (Comitesinos) as a platform for data flow management and automation of the Rio dos Sinos basin, formed by 32 municipalities. The project of technological support to the control of information in the Basin – which will bear the name of Sinosfera – was presented to the members of the Committee in Plenary last week. The biologist Fernando Soares, creator of the Project and member of Comitesinos, states that the solution will be extremely important to make the connection of information, which today happens manually, in an Excel spreadsheet. “The Rio dos Sinos basins are among the most studied in the country. This is reflected in an extensive database and with Greendocs we will be able to integrate this information online and make the necessary connections between the databases of the municipal basins. We generated intelligence for the Basin and now we want to make it available,” he emphasizes. Daniel Klafke, CEO of W3K, a company of the SKA Group that supplies Greendocs, believes that the solution will guarantee some benefits for Comitesinos, such as being able to evaluate year after year the development of the water network, besides the tool having an intuitive interface and ensuring the necessary customizations related to each file. “To manage the data, generate records, keep them and have their traceability, besides the reliability of the information”, he complements. Access the report in the Committees: http://comitesinos.web2439.uni5.net/noticia/primeira-plenaria-do-ano-destacou-abertura–do-processo-para-composicao-do-comitesinos/131


Gerdau Implements Greendocs for Document Management and Process Automation

One of the world’s leading steel producers and the largest private company in southern Brazil, Gerdau now uses W3K Tecnologia’s GreenDocs solution to optimize document management and automate processes in the engineering and quality areas. GrenDocs takes the place of the solution of the Dutch multinational BlueCielo, whose tools were used to manage thousands of documents with technical information from the steel mill. Gerdau, through its press office, informed the Baguete technology site that “the partnership with W3K is aimed at modernizing this management system through a cloud solution with more functions and a better user interface”. The GreenDocs platform will add value to contract management within the scope of industrial projects, as well as to quality assurance processes. The technology will have direct interaction with suppliers via the cloud, making communication with external agents more efficient. To date, 17 plants are introducing GreenDocs, which will serve more than 20,000 users, adding value to the work of plants throughout Brazil. Read the complete news at: www.baguete.com.br by Maurício Renner


Automate the Generation of Your Databooks

Manufacturers of capital goods can benefit from the tools of composition and issuance of databook. The main benefits of functionality are: Agility and automation in databook development; Control of pending documents and missing documents; Control of the status and progress of the issue of each document; Automatic generation of electronic databook in PDF format. We develop contents to support our clients, to learn more, request an online demonstration.



Find out how Itaipu Binational innovated in the optimization of engineering project processes, documents and contract portfolio management with the Greendocs solution. Today, the system manages more than 2 million engineering documents and serves more than one thousand users. Case Itaipu Binational, presented at EDOC Engenharia, in São Paulo. The way companies manage engineering documents was the theme of eDoc Engenharia, which took place last week in São Paulo and had W3K as one of the speakers of the event. The presentations addressed issues related to knowledge management, “handover” of projects, electronic management of technical documents and capital works, as well as corporate memory. Itaipu’s representatives showed the case for managing documents and engineering processes on the Greendocs platform. Julio César Paulino, Enterprise Architect at W3K, spoke about efficiency and compliance in the production and operation of capital goods.

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