Greendocs was chosen by the Rio dos Sinos Basin Management Committee (Comitesinos) as a platform for data flow management and automation of the Rio dos Sinos basin, formed by 32 municipalities. The project of technological support to the control of information in the Basin – which will bear the name of Sinosfera – was presented to the members of the Committee in Plenary last week. The biologist Fernando Soares, creator of the Project and member of Comitesinos, states that the solution will be extremely important to make the connection of information, which today happens manually, in an Excel spreadsheet. “The Rio dos Sinos basins are among the most studied in the country. This is reflected in an extensive database and with Greendocs we will be able to integrate this information online and make the necessary connections between the databases of the municipal basins. We generated intelligence for the Basin and now we want to make it available,” he emphasizes.
Daniel Klafke, CEO of W3K, a company of the SKA Group that supplies Greendocs, believes that the solution will guarantee some benefits for Comitesinos, such as being able to evaluate year after year the development of the water network, besides the tool having an intuitive interface and ensuring the necessary customizations related to each file. “To manage the data, generate records, keep them and have their traceability, besides the reliability of the information”, he complements.
Access the report in the Committees:–do-processo-para-composicao-do-comitesinos/131